HeartFlow Pacemaker System

Pacemaker firmware designed in Simulink. Programmer built with Electron. Application of safety-critical engineering principles.

HeartFlow Pacemaker System


Focus:Biomedical EngineeringSafety Engineering
Duration:3 months
  • Programming of pacemakers with a variety of operating modes and conditions
  • Intuitive user interface for programming pacemakers
  • Robust UART serial communication protocol for safe and reliable programming
  • Safety-critical engineering principles applied throughout the project

The HeartFlow pacemaker system is a project I worked on with my friends in my Mechatronics + iBioMed stream. Our goal was to design both:

  • Pacemaker firmware for a mock pacemaker (an FRDM-K64F microcontroller) using Simulink.
  • A “device controller-monitor” (DCM) application for programming the pacemaker. The stack we opted for was Electron, React, and Python.

Admittedly, I'm still thinking of what thoughts I want to write here because this has been the biggest project I've worked on since I've started proramming (which is saying a lot since I started programming on Roblox when I was like, 11). I'll update this post soon with more details. In the meantime, Andrew's GitHub repo has a decent chunk of documentation, as well as some tidbits about the project—check it out!